A clinical research consortium sponsored by NIAID
Your child may be eligible to participate if they:
- Are between the ages of 12 months to less than 47 months
- Have postive allergy tests to peanut and either have expereienced an allergic reaction after eating peanut or never eaten a peanut.
- Do NOT have a history of severe anaphylaxis with hypotension (a life-threatening systemic allergic reaction causing low blood pressure) after eating peanut.
- Do NOT have an allergy to oat.
- Do NOT have moderate asthma that requires more than fluticasone 440 mcg or its equivalent daily for adequate control.
- Do NOT have servere asthma, as indicated by repeated hospitalizations or hospital emergency department visits.
Other information you should know about participating in the IMPACT Study:
- All study-related care and treatments are provided at no cost to you.
- Participation lasts up to 3 years.
If you believe your child may be eligible and you are interested in finding out more about the IMPACT study, click here to contact a Clinical Research Site near you.
Click here to learn more about participating in Clinical Trials.